


Household , Vehicle , Commercial and Fleet Insurance  

Life Cover

Do I have enough cover for unforseen life events?
Do I have enough cover for unforseen life events?
Why is Life Insurance important? Life Insurance ensure that your family or nominated beneficiaries are taken care of when you die. It should replace the salary you would have earned during your life but this is based on your financial needs and what you can afford.

Trauma / Critical Illness

Cancer, Heart attack, Stroke and many more
Cancer, Heart attack, Stroke and many more
Critical illness insurance is designed to ease the financial pressures of suffering from a severe illness, by paying a lump sum amount if you are diagnosed with, and survive a life altering illness such as Cancer, Heart attack, Stroke, Multiple sclerosis or Parkinson's disease. 
No Income no Life
No Income no Life

Income Protection

Income and Salary Protection Plans provide income to both individuals earning a salary as well as to those who are self-employed. As a business owner your inability to work and earn an Income could put the business under severe financial difficulty in the short term. 
Are you covered?
Are you covered?

Medical aid or Medical plan

Medical Aid is a form of Insurance where you pay a monthly amount- called a contribution or premium- in return for financial cover for medical treatment you may need, as well as any related expences while Medical or Health Insurance cover the whole or part of a person's incurring medical expences. 
Follow the growth
Follow the growth

Saving and Investments

First and formost saving money is important because IT HELPS protect you in the event of a financial emergency. Additionally saving money can help you pay for large purchases,avoid debt, reduce your financial stress, leave a financial legacy and  provide you with a greater sense of financial freedom.
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